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In the course of our project, we have identified the most important areas in which upskilling was needed in Vocational Education and Training (VET) to meet today’s digital challenges.
We have developed short training solutions for VET schools’ most important stakeholders: learners, teachers and managers. In areas where some training solutions already existed, we have adapted them to Work-Based Learning (for example for managers).
In total, we have created and adapted 15 training solutions – 5 for each target group – available in 6 different languages (English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Slovene). All of them are freely accessible on this platform and can be used under the CC BY license.
Reduce the skills gaps highlighted by the reports written after the SELFIE WBL pilot project in 2020;
Improve the digital skills of VET schools’ most important stakeholders: learners, teachers and managers.
These training solutions have been developed jointly by 6 European partners, specialized in Vocational Education and Training.
You can find more information about them on the project website, in the Partners section.
The modules you will find on this platform can contain videos.
If the videos are in a language that you do not fully master, please know that you can activate subtitles and even automatic translation in some cases. All you have to do is click on the icon for subtitles or for automatic translation.
If the audio in the video is too fast, all you have to do is click on the icon to change the speed. We suggest that you reduce the speed of the video to 0,75 instead of 1.
You can find more information about them on the project website, in the Partners section.