5. Implementing and evaluating your SELFIE-based DAP


During the previous modules for managers, you have seen: 

1) why it is important to prepare and develop the engagement of your colleagues, teachers, learners and in-company trainers involved in the survey before it starts. 

2) when it is useful to develop your own questions and what is the best way to do it. You could see some practical ideas on how to run a survey.

3) We discussed the importance of prioritisation in interpreting the results of the SELFIE WBL survey and in setting strategic objectives for improving digital teaching/learning at your VET school.

4) Finally, you could gain practical knowledge on the development of your SELFIE-based Digital Action Plan (DAP), that is in line with the strategy of your school.

Now, we would like to introduce you to how to implement and put into practice the institutional DAP that you have developed. The implementation of your school’s Digital Action Plan will be interpreted as a process of change and organisational development, where change means (among other things) developing the knowledge and competences of the participants, learning and applying new tools and teaching/learning methods, introducing and applying new models of collaboration, knowledge and experience sharing, and developing organisational values.

In this module, we will focus on the following three topics:

  1. How can we evaluate whether the school is ready to implement the planned improvements and changes, and what should we consider when preparing the institution for change? How can we identify, interpret and use the driving forces of change and reduce the restraining forces of change in the process of change implementation?
  2. How to be prepared for natural resistance to change coming from teachers and trainers, how to identify and categorise it, and how to manage and/or overcome it? 
  3. Finally, how can change be consolidated to become part of the organisational culture of the school so that, with time passing, things do not go back to how they were before? What tools do school leaders and managers have at their disposal?

Learning Outcomes

In this module, you will:

  • understand and identify the drivers for developing digital learning and teaching in VET schools
  • interpret the main reasons for resistance from the teachers, trainers and learners against the implementation of your institutional Digital Action Plan
  • reduce and overcome this resistance
  • manage the change process and monitor its achievement and integration into the organisational culture of your school.

4. Designing a SELFIE-based Digital Action Plan


You are now ready to develop and implement your Digital Action Plan (DAP), according to the previous analysis you have done based on your SELFIE WBL Report and to the priorities and goals that you have set for your VET school in the previous modules.

Your Digital Action Plan will be a strategic tool that should be included in and in line with the whole strategy and values of your VET school. 


In this module, you will:

  • improve the involvement of all your stakeholders;
  • accurately describe your activities;
  • fine-tune your plan and set relevant evaluation means;
  • turn your VET school’s priorities and goals into a fully elaborated Digital Action Plan with concrete actions, in other words, move from theory to practice.

3. Reviewing and Prioritising


This module describes the path from the SELFIE WBL report to the setting of priorities and action plan goals. It contains three parts (review results; select items; set priorities). The major learning outcomes are to understand the different perspectives of the school leaders, teachers, company trainers and learners and to be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the school based on its report. Furthermore, you should be able to apply a systematic approach to set digital action plan goals for the school.

a quick Overview what steps are needed


In this module, you will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the SELFIE WBL School Report and its components and understand the perspectives of school leaders, teachers, in-company trainers and learners in relation to the report’s findings.
  • Analyse and interpret the SELFIE WBL School Report data, identifying areas of convergence and divergence between the perspectives of school leaders, teachers, and learners and evaluate the significance and implications of the identified convergences and divergences on school improvement and learners’ learning outcomes.
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the school based on the report findings and related data and apply a systematic approach to set goals for the school, taking into account the report findings, school priorities, and stakeholder perspectives. 
  • Generate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with the identified needs and aspirations of the school community.

2. Running the SELFIE WBL evaluation


In an era marked by rapid digital transformation, the role of vocational schools in preparing learners for the workforce has never been more critical. As you navigate the path towards a more digitally integrated learning environment, SELFIE for Work-Based Learning (SELFIE WBL) can be of immense value to your institution. This tool is particularly significant for Vocational Schools as it caters to the specific needs of your institution in the context of work-based learning. 

The evaluation stage is crucial, holding the key to unlocking valuable insights and shaping future iterations. This module is your roadmap to navigating the evaluation. It provides information on the crucial step of crafting your own specific evaluation questions, ensuring your assessment aligns perfectly with your program’s goals and desired outcomes. Beyond question development, the module will equip you with the tips and tactics needed to run your evaluation seamlessly. 

Learning Outcomes

In this module, you will:

  • Identify the key components of the SELFIE WBL questionnaire, including compulsory, optional, and custom statements. 
  • Be able to select appropriate statements from the optional category within the SELFIE WBL questionnaire that align with the digital transition goals and objectives of the vocational school.
  • Get to know the advantages and disadvantages of customown and optional questions. 
  • Be able to identify areas for improvement based on the analysis of data collected through the SELFIE WBL questionnaire.
  • Explore and utilise external resources, including official SELFIE WBL resources, educational technology channels, conferences, webinars, and online communities, to stay updated on digital transition strategies and tools.

Upon completing this course, vocational school managers should have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively use SELFIE for Work-Based Learning as a valuable tool to assess and enhance their school’s digital readiness, guiding the institution through a successful digital transition.

1. Setting up SELFIE WBL in your school


SELFIE WBL is a free online tool that helps schools assess the level of their use of digital technologies for innovative and effective learning. The SELFIE WBL self-assessment involves several groups of stakeholders: the school head teacher and managers, teachers, learners, and in-company trainers (read more about the SELFIE WBL tool in  Additional Resources).

This module describes the preparatory phase for SELFIE WBL self-assessment in schools. It includes gathering information, informing and actively involving the different SELFIE WBL stakeholders.


In this module you will:

  • Identify the reasons for conducting a SELFIE WBL self-assessment at school
  • Outline the benefits of the SELFIE WBL self-assessment
  • Understand the need to conduct an introductory interview with teachers and in-company trainers who will take an active part in the SELFIE self-assessment