Resource 1: For a digital learning activity to motivate learners, it must comply with the conditions listed below.

Criteria of motivation:How does it appear in this CPD module?What are the essential parameters/features/ strengths that the tool must address?
1. Be meaningful to the learner The learner builds his own toolbox. Because he is driving the activity, he has validated the interest.Must make sense for the learner, be easy to use, accessible from everywhere, shareable and allow the exchange of information, links, comments > e.g. a mind map (individual or collective activity, links, modular framework), a Padlet etc.
2. Be diverse and integrate with other activities By the transversality induced by the activity, involving stakeholders and their tools.Possibility to build your board through options; have a consequent action on the parameters, possibility of deposit and consultation of documents and activities
3. Be a challenge for the learner Because he must find the tools best suited to his learning situation, and validate their relevance through useMust lead the learner to an almost mandatory attendance to establish a weekly use to allow the handling of the tool and the progressive rise in skills (computer mastery by the activity)
4. Be authentic If the learning content offered is a tool (and content) related to the skills and professions frameworks, that they are validated by the profession and made available to the learnerAccess to professional docs (training repositories, evaluation elements…): company documents and plugin to company tools, links to professional monitoring sites (limit the gap between the professional world and the training center)
5. Require cognitive engagement from the learnerThe learner must evaluate the relevance of the proposed tools regarding his needs and usesSelf/Assessment, self-study, skills portfolio, MCQ quizzes, H5P fun activities for cognitive stimulation, and motivation maintenance
6. Empower learners to make choicesTry building your own toolboxBe able to act on the configuration and customization of the tool, adjust it as closely as possible to the interests and needs of the learner; visibility of milestones and expectations of trainers, the company, and the professional world (professional watch, Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Chamber of Commerce and Industry), functionality to annotate documents
7. Allow the learner to interact and collaborate with othersBecause the toolbox is shared and collaborative (peers, tutors, trainers, …)Function forum, chatbot, Frequently Asked Questions with other learners, trainers, and company
8. Be interdisciplinaryBecause the stakeholders represent the different fields of vocational training through alternate apprenticeships (company and training center, and business professionals)Electronic Document Management, stakeholders, links to different areas of training and interests of the learner, expand to what happens in the Apprenticeship VET Centre, in the professional world (monitoring), in the company (Business and Social Council…)
9. Have clear instructionsIf the steps and timeline of construction activities in the toolbox are followed.Tutorials, chatbot, infographics, Frequently Asked Questions, and instructions “step by step”
10. Take place over a sufficient periodbecause learning is progressive and the toolbox can be fed as learning and needs arise, throughout the training. Accessibility outside and beyond the training period, be able to keep your data and tools over time, or at least be able to keep a copy by extraction

Resource 2 – Complementary template 

The table below is for you to personalise based on your own experience.

Criteria of motivationFeel free to add your own way to reach these criteriaWhat kind of online resources can be used?
1. Be meaningful to the learner 
2. Be diverse and integrate with other activities 
3. Be a challenge for the learner 
4. Be authentic 
5. Require cognitive engagement from the learner
6. Empower learners to make choices
7. Allow the learner to interact and collaborate with others
8. Be interdisciplinary
9. Have clear instructions
10. Take place over a sufficient period

3. Additional resources highlighting the advantages of Digital Education for learners:

5 ways to motivate students with Digital Learning Tools Infographic

last consulted on 2024/02/27

Design Features of a Professional Development Program in Digital Literacy

last consulted on 2024/02/27

5 ways to motivate students during online classes: 

last consulted on 2024/02/27

How to motivate learners in an online environment:

last consulted on 2024/02/27