Objective: “Learners build their own toolbox”
This second activity is dedicated to the practical part. With an understanding of the tools available for their training, learners will construct their own toolbox.
It should be recalled that this can only be achieved if all stakeholders fulfil their tasks. As an indication, the trainer or teacher is in charge of feeding and updating the essential content within dedicated spaces (for example, a business repository, a framework of the exams, the evaluation periods, the course contents, and the application exercises, etc.) The tutor or apprenticeship supervisor in a company is responsible for providing authentic documents (used in companies), framing elements of ongoing projects, or monitoring the acquisition of skills (e.g. logbook).
The interest in using digital tools, and in this sense, in the construction of a toolbox by the learner, will prove useful by the ease of use, the relevance of its contents, and the “optimisation” it brings to the learner, as part of his training.
The trainer has a guiding role in the handling of the tools. It appears essential that they are trained on the tools they offer, and that they provide “attractive” and “interactive” digital content. Playful learning promotes the involvement and motivation of learners to work independently. Permanent access to exercises and lessons allows learners to learn to manage their time. The learners become aware of the content they must master and can evolve at their own pace.
Here we will allow (and push) learners to formalise their digital needs as part of their learning. We will support the learners in refocusing on their individual needs, taking stock of their digital/computer knowledge and use, and supporting the development of skills necessary for the smooth running of their training.
The learner’s tools could be for example: a mailbox, agenda, schedule, administrative documents, drive or LMS with lessons and activities, and resources for the work and technical software. These tools provide access to resources at home, in companies, in training centres, and both inside and outside the classroom.
How to start?
- Design, draw, or use an app/platform to build a mind map that represents the digital study and environment of learners.
Expected result of the activity: the learners have a mind map of the digital tools that respond to their needs, and they know how to use the tools.