1. Conversation with the teachers who will be coordinating the self-assessment among learners

Gather the teachers and ask them the following questions. These direct conversations are very important – teachers will be able to ask additional questions and understand more about SELFIE WBL. 

  • What do you associate with the word SELFIE?
  • How do you understand the term ‘building a digital school strategy’? What do you think a digital strategy is?
  • What do you expect from the SELFIE WBL self-assessment?
  • Can you already think of some areas in your school (in relation to its use of digital technologies in learning) that you find sensitive, where you identify difficulties?

It is also important to inform the teachers about the time needed to complete the self-assessment. In the rest of the course, you can find some group activity for developing the commitment of the teachers and leaders to carry out the self-assessment and communicate its benefits, for example in Module 5.

After that, present the self-assessment, its objectives, and a sample report  to make things more concrete. 

  1. Conversation with the in-company trainers who will answer the self-assessment

Meet with the in-company trainers and ask them the following questions. These direct conversations are very important – the in-company trainers will be able to ask additional questions and understand more about SELFIE WBL.

  • What do you associate with the word SELFIE?
  • How do you understand the term ‘building a digital school strategy’? What do you think a digital strategy is?
  • Does your company have a digital strategy in place? When was it developed? Is it a document that is “alive” that employees use? 
  • According to you, can a company support a school in building its digital strategy?
  • Is your company able to delegate a staff member to be in contact with the school on a regular basis, in the context of using digital technologies for learning?
  • Will the company’s management agree to make changes if needed, once the findings of the SELFIE self-assessment have been published? Alternatively, what steps should be taken to do so? (Note: if the company is not cooperating and does not want to make any changes to improve, the company involved in the self-assessment could be changed)

After that, present the self-assessment, its objectives, what the report looks like, and what can be achieved by conducting such a self-assessment.