Why we need a digitally enhanced teaching and learning culture
Over the past two decades, many articles, research papers and conference proceedings have been published on the advantages and disadvantages of digitally enhanced learning and teaching for the learner, the parent, the teacher and the school. All teachers and school leaders could give a long list of arguments for and against digital education. Almost any teacher could tell us the benefits of quality digital education for learners, from the development of their digital competences, BYOD and increasing learners’ motivation to learn, to the personalisation of learning.

Therefore, we do not want to go into a detailed analysis and presentation of the topic, but just want to summarise the most important benefits for learners using the following figure to create a common understanding.

A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, diagram, Betűtípus látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

Source: How Technology is Changing Education? The Journey from Whiteboard to Keyboard (apogaeis.com)

Have you ever asked yourself what a school would look like in 10 years time if it does not keep up with the development of digital education and pedagogy?

Before moving forward to topic 2 “SELFIE-WBL as the basis for the development plan”, complete activities 1 and 2.